Looking for a place to live isn’t easy, as many factors play into the decision. Probably the two things people take into account more than anything else are location and price. You might consider other factors, such as schools, health care quality, etc. One thing that people don’t always consider, and should, is the safety of the neighborhood that they will be living in. compared the safest and most dangerous states to live in, not based on crime, but based on emergency preparedness, workplace safety, road safety, home and community stability, and financial security. It’s difficult to decide, when so many factors are contributing to the question of if a place is “safe.” WalletHub used 20 key metrics to analyze all 50 states (plus Washington DC).

Overall Rankings (Top 10 and Bottom 10)

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Vermont
  3. Minnesota
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Hawaii
  6. Utah
  7. Connecticut
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Virginia
  10. Maine….
  1. Kentucky
  2. Arkansas
  3. Arizona
  4. Louisiana
  5. Nevada
  6. New Mexico
  7. Tennessee
  8. Oklahoma
  9. South Carolina
  10. Mississippi

Breakdown of the Factors that Contributed to the Overall Rankings:

Financial Safety Rank – Highest: Minnesota Lowest: Nevada

Road Safety Rank – Highest: Massachusetts Lowest: Montana

Workplace Safety Rank – Highest: Rhode Island Lowest: North Dakota

Natural Disasters Rank – Highest: Rhode Island Lowest: Oklahoma

Home and Community Safety Rank – Highest: New York Lowest: Arkansas

Rankings by Region:

New England States Average Rank Overall: 5th

Mid-Atlantic States Average Rank Overall: 18th

Midwest States Average Rank Overall: 22nd

Southern States Average Rank Overall: 36th

Mountain States Average Rank Overall:32nd

Pacific States Average Rank Overall: 22nd

Other Factors to Consider:

Unemployment Rate –  Lowest: North Dakota Highest: T- Washington DC, Mississippi, Nevada

Share of the Population with No Health Insurance – Lowest: Massachusetts Highest: Texas

Estimated Property Loss from Climate Disasters – Lowest: California Highest: Oklahoma

Fatal Occupational Injuries per Total Employees – Fewest: Connecticut Most: North Dakota

Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles of Travel – Fewest: Washington DC Most: Montana

Number of Law Enforcement Employees – Highest: Washington DC Lowest: New Mexico

Number of Assaults – Lowest: Maine Highest: Washington DC

Bullying Incidents Rate – Lowest: Washington DC Highest: T-Idaho, Montana

When trying to find your next home, safety should be high up on your priority list and should not be overlooked. The New England states seem to have a distinct advantage with these rankings, while the Southern region states on average rank the lowest. Moving is a big and complicated decision. Hopefully, it’s a little more simplified now.


