Indiana Governor Mike Pence was sworn into office in 2013 and has already been mentioned as a potential Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential ticket. He visited Israel last week to meet with political and business leaders in what his office referred to as an “economic development mission to bring jobs and investment to Indiana.” Governor Pence met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and in a joint press conference expressed the “strong and broad bipartisan support for the state of Israel.” He mentioned the strong economic and cultural ties between the two allies and that the bond between the two nations has never been stronger. Another highlight of Pence’s visit was a breakfast seminar in Tel Aviv entitled “Invest in Indiana.” The purpose of the event was to discuss businesses interested in investing or growing in Indiana.  The invited guests were Israeli business leaders and entrepreneurs who had the chance to hear Governor Pence discuss the entrepreneurial spirit that grips both Indiana and Israel. He also mentioned the existing Israeli companies who have partnerships with the Hoosier state.

“Even half a world away, Indiana’s story resonates,” said Governor Pence. “No matter where you are, job creators know that they can do more in an environment designed for their growth and that’s what we’ve built at home in Indiana.”

Avner Farkash, SkySaver’s head of R&D had the opportunity to meet with Pence after the breakfast. They discussed the potential of SkySaver’s unique life saving device and possible joint business ventures ahead of SkySaver’s spring 2015 release. The Governor was very interested in the product and is pictured with Mr. Farkash below. Mike Pence was sworn into office in 2013 and has already been mentioned as a potential Republican candidate for the 2016

